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Why t-test dont work with large samples

  • Usually, the goal of statistical tests is to show with high degree of confidence that an empirically estimated statistic is similar to a theoretically derived statistic
    • The null hypothesis (the two statistics are similar) and alternative hypothesis (the two statistics are not) are presented to represent this where:
    • Hnull:∣μ^−μ∣<=Δ,Halt:∣μ^−μ∣>ΔH_{null}: |\hat{\mu}-\mu| <=\Delta, H_{alt}: |\hat{\mu} - \mu| > \Delta
    • The pvaluep_{value} from the test is what is the likelihood that we can observe an value larger than the test-statistic under the static distribution from chance
      • It is used to reject the null hypothesis, if pvalue<αp_{value} < \alpha
      • We establish a critical value α\alpha that is the threshold for which we can evaluate the pvaluep_{value} with
      • ==The critical value should be established with the context of sample size==
  • As the sample size NN increases, the standard error gets smaller and the test statistic gets larger and pvaluep_{value} gets smaller
    • Then, the α\alpha needed to reject the null hypothesis needs to decrease because any differences no matter how small will be "significantly" different than the theoretical value
    • At some point the critical value α\alpha needs to be incredibly small for huge samples
  • A way to evaluate large samples is to calculate the confidence intervals and see if that embraces the theoretically derived statistic
  • [[t-test]] is used to to measure the mean, [[z-test]] is to measure the mean when there is a large sample and the distribution is normal